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The dates given are, as a rule, reproduced just as recorded but with modifications in these instances:


In general, I feel that names should be recorded as they appear in the original records. Unfortunately, the phonetic spellings used by the early clerks varied widely. Beyond that, transcriptions made from those records often misinterpret what was actually written. This is particularly true in the case of capital letters. For this compilation, therefore, I have departed from that principle for the purpose of keeping data for one individual or family together in the alphabetic listing. In these cases I have attempted to show exactly what has been done by also giving the name as originally transcribed in the text.

Considering the extremely wide variations in spelling which occurred with great frequency, I believe that this approach will be found to be helpful.


"Advice of Loyalty" form Somerset inhabitants to William & Mary on the occasion of their accession to the throne of England as quoted by Torrence in Old Somerset on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
EB14 -
Liber in Somerset County probate series
ESMd -
Early Settlers of Maryland by Gust Skordas. Only names specifically recorded as relating to Somerset or easily recognized as such have been included. Numerous names in this present listing from other sources can also be located in Early Settlers . . .
Liber in Somerset County records
JUD1 -
Archives of Maryland, Vol. LIV; only published transcription of colonial Somerset Judicials
JUD2 -
Somerset Judicial Records 9 Nov 1674 - 11 Sep 1677 as contained in Deed Liber L2
JUD3 -
Somerset Judicial Records 13 Nov 1683 - 11 Mar 1683/4 also in L2
NOTE: I have transcribed both JUD2 and JUD3 and propose to publish them at a subsequent date. Not all names from these two referenced sources, nor from JUD1, have been included in this compilation.
JW15 -
Prerogative Court record
LegB -
Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature 1635-1789 by Papenfuse et al. 2 vols. Much biographical and genealogical data on the persons listed is contained in these volumes.
Maryland Calendar of Wills compiled by Jane Baldwin Cotton
III et seq. - (Roman numerals)
volume numbers of Archives of Maryland
Tobacco list; so-called since it shows in pounds of tobacco amounts paid to "Inhabitants of the Province in the late Expedition against the Nanticoke Indians . . ." (only Somerset abstracted in this present listing), Archives of Maryland VII:97-100.


The following are the abbreviations used in the column to save space:

adm= administrator or administration
app/inv= approved inventory
b= born
d= died
dau= daughter
d&b= died and buried
decd= deceased
exec/w= executor of will
gdn= guardian
imm= immigrated: paid own passage
m= married
ment/w= mentioned in will
O'seer/w= Overseer of will: similar to executor
OT= originally or otherwise transcribed
prob= probated
svc= service: roughly equivalent to transported
svt= servant
transp= transported: passage paid by someone else in return for bound service
wf= wife
witn/w= witnessed will


The text of They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders is used here by the Somerset County Maryland USGenWeb site with permission of the author, the late Wilmer O. Lankford.
They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders
Lankford, Wilmer O.
© 1990, printed by Manokin Press, P.O. Box 14, Princess Anne, MD 21853
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-63790
Hard copies of this publication are available for purchase from the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture in Salisbury, Maryland.

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Saturday, 02-Feb-2019 01:59:04 EST