This page includes surnames beginning with the letters U and V.
Name Date Ref Event -------------------- ---------- ---- --------------------------------------- UPSHER, John 1674/11/21 IKL b to Arthur & Elizabeth; Morumsco UPSHER, Sarah 1674 IKL died "beginning of 1674"; dau of Arthur 1674/11/21 IKL b to Arthur & Elizabeth; Morumsco 195 UPSHOTT, John 1675/03/11 JUD2 VANDERHEYDEN, J. 1695/08/09 MCW J = Johannes; bro to testatrix's father-in-law;ment/w Rebecca Ward VANDERHEYDEN, M. 1695/08/09 MCW M = Matthias; father-in-law to Rebecca Ward MCW M = Matthew; witn/w Rebecca Ward VAUGHAN, Thomas MCW witn/w Robert Bullen VAUGHAN, William 1671/04/01 ESMd imm from VA 1675/03/11 JUD2 suspicion of murder 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List 1686/02/23 IKL b to William & Margaret 1687/12/20 MCW witn/w William Hatheley VAUSS, Sarah 1679/11/14 IKL mother of Susanna Morris 1684/06/03 IKL mother of Sarah Morris 1684/07/23 IKL m to Griffin Morris VENABLES, Joseph 1696/04/01 XX military officer Somerset; OT Venalles VENABLES, William 1698/05/28 EB14 inventory VERHOOFE, Cornelius 1675/03/11 JUD2 carpenter; at the Whore Kill VESEY, Nathaniel 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty 1693/03/05 MCW ment/w Thomas Purnell; OT Veasey VIGEROUS, Ann 1677/08/08 IKL b to John, chirurgeon, & Ann; Pocomoke 1683/08/24 LIV registered cattle mark; dau of John Vigerous 1688/08/13 MCW dau of Ann Smith MCW gr-dau of Ann Smith VIGEROUS, John 1670/04/01 ESMd immigrated; OT Vicaris 1675/03/11 JUD2 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List 1680/06/18 LIV registered cattle mark 1683/03/11 JUD3 1685/06/01 MCW witn/w John White 1686/09/25 MCW witn/w John Cropper 196 VIGEROUS, John Dr 1688/08/13 MCW ment/AnnSmith as d-in-l;ch Ann Arwell Eliza: Mary Frances; Wf Ann VINCENT, Frances 1668/09/29 JUD1 m William Cockee of Seaverne VINCENT, Francis 1666/06/04 LIV registered cattle mark VINCENT, Mary 1666/10/02 IKL m to John Oakey 1666/12/11 JUD1 m John Okee VINE, Ann 1683/03/11 JUD3 VINE, William 1683/03/11 JUD3 alias William Massy VINOY, Thomasin 1694/06/09 EB14 inventory VITTY, Ellianor 1669/06/10 IKL m to George Day
The text of They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders is used here by the Somerset County Maryland USGenWeb site with permission of the author, the late Wilmer O. Lankford.
They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders
Lankford, Wilmer O.
© 1990, printed by Manokin Press, P.O. Box 14, Princess Anne, MD 21853
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-63790
Hard copies of this publication are available for purchase from the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture in Salisbury, Maryland.
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