This page includes surnames beginning with the letter T.
Name Date Ref Event -------------------- ---------- ---- --------------------------------------- TALBOT, Mary 1675/03/11 JUD2 TAPPE, John 1668/04/10 JUD1 TARR, John 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty 1695/05/11 MCW prob20Aug1695;wf Mary;sons Saml Michael Jno;dau Mary;Bogerternorton TAYLIER, Ann 1669 IKL m to Thomas Moolson TAYLOR, --- 167- IKL b to Joseph & Margrett; Annamessex TAYLOR, Alce 1680/11/25 LIV cattle mark recorded per Francis Martin TAYLOR, Anne 1681/02/19 IKL b to John & Anne; Naswadux TAYLOR, Anthony 1666/11/27 JUD1 of Annamessex; m Alce Bassett 1667/04/09 LVII shot by Indian; inquest del'd to Pvncl Ct TAYLOR, Dennis 1689/04/13 IKL b to Hope & Margaret TAYLOR, Elizabeth 1684/12/11 IKL b to Hope & Margaret 1692/12/27 IKL b to Gilbert & Judith TAYLOR, Ellis 1686/02/15 IKL b to Hope & Margaret; dau TAYLOR, Gilbert 1695/10/17 MCW prob1695/3/15; sons Walter, James TAYLOR, Hope 1683/02/05 JUD3 m Margaret Donicke 1687/02/16 MCW witn/w Roger O'Cane 1696/04/05 MCW 10Jun1696;wf unnamed; son Robert 186 TAYLOR, Jacob 1688/06/20 IKL b to John, planter, & Rosanna TAYLOR, James 1693/04/25 MCW witn/w Robert Houston TAYLOR, Jane 1683/02/04 IKL b to John & Anne TAYLOR, Johell 1675/03/11 JUD2 TAYLOR, John 1679/04/01 ESMd imm from VA 1681/03/15 LIV registered cattle mark 1683/06/08 LIV registered cattle mark 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty; OT Tayler 1690/06/04 IKL b to John & Ann; Annamessex 1695/03/10 EB14 app inv Phillip Adams 1696/02/27 MCW witn/w James Dashiell 1699/12/12 EB14 app inv Jane Price TAYLOR, Joseph 1675/03/11 JUD2 1682/03/04 IKL b to Joseph & Margaret TAYLOR, Margaret 1687/02/16 MCW witn/w Roger O'Cane TAYLOR, Margarett 1691/11/02 IKL b to Hope & Margaret TAYLOR, Mary 1688/05/08 IKL b to John & Anne TAYLOR, Phillip 1688/08/14 IKL b to Walter & Sarah TAYLOR, Samuel 1680/01/03 IKL b to Joseph & Margrett; Morumsco TAYLOR, Thomas 1680/11/23 MCW trustee Geo.Johnson bequest for Quaker poor 1693/04/25 MCW O'seer/w Robert Houston TAYLOR, Walter 1690/11/24 IKL b to Gilbert & Judith TAYLOR, William 1665/01/29 LIV registered cattle mark 1666/10/31 IKL died at house of Thomas Price; Annamessex 1668/04/10 JUD1 1677/10/08 57 Provincial Court record; OT Taylour 1680/06/17 LIV decd; cattle mark gift to Joseph Taylor 1692/10/07 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Pocomoke 187 TEAGUE, Elizabeth 1672/03/28 IKL m to Richard Turner; widow; OT Teauge 1675/03/11 JUD2 aged 6; dau of John & Elizabeth Teague JUD2 wf of John Teague; sister of John Dorman's wife TEAGUE, John 1675/03/11 JUD2 jr JUD2 decd; 6 yrs ago gave cow to John jr; sr 1681/05/21 IKL b TEAKE, Peter 1683/03/11 JUD3 TEDER, Elizabeth 1675/03/11 JUD2 TENEHILL, Andrew 1675/03/11 JUD2 probably of Middlesex THOMAS, Alexander 1678 IKL m to Cicell Shaw by Morgan Jones min 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List 1688/07/23 MCW O'seer/w Thomas Willin 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty 1695/11/28 MCW prob14Jan1695; daus Elizabeth,Frances THOMAS, Elizabeth 1679/11/16 IKL b to Alexander & Cicell THOMAS, Frances 1681/01/19 IKL b to Alexander & Cicell THOMAS, John 1683/03/11 JUD3 surveyor THOMAS, Macum 1666/04/01 JUD1 1666/06/06 LIV registered cattle mark 1666/10/13 LIV registered cattle mark 1675/02/08 LI Thomas & wf murdered by their svt Henry Parratt; Pocomoke, Kings Neck 1675/03/11 JUD2 decd; adm William Stevens 1678/07/18 LI Chancery Court; decd; OT Macham THOMAS, Mary 1675/03/11 JUD2 THOMAS, Rebecca 1680/01/29 IKL m to Alexander Prise; dau of Allexander Thomas THOMAS, Rice 1675/03/11 JUD2 1683/03/11 JUD3 THOMAS, William 1683/11/13 JUD3 THOMPSON, Elizabeth 1692/04/14 IKL b to John & Dorothy 188 THOMPSON, Joseph 1674/04/18 LXV Provincial Court 1675/03/11 JUD2 THOMPSON, William 1668/04/10 JUD1 OT Tompson 1672/10/01 LI Chancery Court THORNE, William 1663/04/01 ESMd imm; wf Winifred; Capt 1665/02/12 MCW wf Winifred; see John Richards 1665/08/05 MCW O'seer/w William Bozman; Capt; probate date 1665/12/11 JUD1 Commissioner; Capt 1666/08/22 III apptd Commr 1669/11/29 LVII Commissioner THORNE, Winifred 1666/04/01 JUD1 wf of Capt William Thorne TILLMAN, Eliner 1688/02/13 IKL b to Gideon & Margarett; Manokin TILLMAN, Elizabeth 1694/01/01 IKL b to Gideon & Margarett; Manokin TILLMAN, Gideon 1666/04/01 JUD1 1666/06/04 LIV registered cattle mark 1669/11/10 LIV registered cattle mark 1675/03/11 JUD2 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List; OT Tilghman 1681/02/15 IKL m to Margarett Manax by Col William Stevens 1682/09/15 LIV registered cattle mark 1682/10/12 IKL b to Gideon & Margaret TILLMAN, John 1689/09/15 IKL b to Gideon & Margarett; Manokin TILLMAN, Moses 1692/06/26 IKL b to Gideon & Margarett; Manokin TILLMAN, Solomon 1685/02/13 IKL b to Gideon & Margarett; Manokin TIMMONS, Prissilla 1683/03/11 JUD3 wf of William Timmons TIMMONS, William 1683/03/11 JUD3 TINGLE, Hugh 1681/06/01 LIV registered cattle mark 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty; OT Jingle 189 TINGLE, Hugh 1693/12/21 IKL m to Elizabeth Powell by Mr Traile min TINGLE, Samuel 1684/09/17 IKL b to Hugh & Elizabeth TISDALE, Anna 1695/12/31 MCW witn/w Edward Price; OT Tisdell TISDALE, John 1692/02/28 IKL b to William & Anne; twin of William TISDALE, Sarah 1690/09/01 IKL b to William & Anne; Annamessex TISDALE, William 1692/02/28 IKL b to William & Anne; twin of John TIZARD, John 1670/04/01 ESMd imm; wf Barbara TOADVIN, Ann 1676/02/03 IKL b to Nicholas & Sarah TOADVIN, Isaac 1685/03/13 IKL b to Nicholas & Sarah TOADVIN, Mary 1681/01/12 IKL b to Nicholas & Sarah TOADVIN, Nicholas 1675/11/15 IKL m to Sarah Lowry by William Brereton JP 1678/01/17 IKL b to Nicholas & Sarah; Wicomico 1680/11/10 LIV registered cattle mark 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty; OT Jodvin TOADVIN, Nicolas 1675/03/11 JUD2 OT Toadvine TOMLINSON, Samuel 1695/10/05 EB14 inventory TOMPKINS, William 1671/02/16 MCW witn/w George Eaves; OT in version 2 of will as Tomkins 1682/06/13 LIV registered cattle mark; OT Tomkins 1687/03/29 MCW witn/w Edward Smith jr 1689/12/17 MCW witn/w George Hamlin; OT Tomkins 1694/05/28 MCW prob31May1696; see Wale; OT Tomkins 1696/06/17 JW15 inventory; OT Tomkins TOWER, Jonathan 1686/03/28 MCW witn/w Richard Hill; OT Johanathan TOWERS, Jon. 1687/12/28 MCW witn/w Thomas Osborne TOWERS, Jonathon 1695/07/19 JW15 inventory TOWNSEND, Elizabeth 1663/12/23 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Naswatux Creek, Accomack Co VA TOWNSEND, James 1672/04/03 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Morumsco TOWNSEND, Jeremiah 1669/09/27 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Morumsco 190 TOWNSEND, John 1666/07/08 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Morumsco 1666/09/04 LIV registered cattle mark; OT Townesen 1668/04/10 JUD1 1675/03/11 JUD2 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List 1685/06/19 IKL b to John & Rebecca 1685/10/21 IKL m Rebecca --- 1692/07/29 EB14 app inv Richard Aldrick 1698/05/18 MCW prob30Sep1698;John Solomon Charles William Jerome James;dau Elizabeth;sr TOWNSEND, Mary 1674/09/01 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Morumsco TOWNSEND, Thomas 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List TOWNSEND, William 1674/09/02 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Morumsco 1691/04/14 IKL b to John & Rebecca TOWZER, Joseph 1683/11/13 JUD3 TRAILE, William 1685/06/01 MCW ment/w John White 1687/08/13 MCW ment/w John Shipway 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty TREHEARN, Ann 1675/03/11 JUD2 alias Canneday; wf of George Trehearn; in Mr Revell's neck TREHEARN, George 1669/03/18 LIV registered cattle mark; OT Trehearne 1671/04/01 ESMd transp from VA; OT Traherne 1676/08/29 IKL m to Anne Canneday by William Stevens JP; OT Treherne 1677/07/28 LIV witn Hasfurt cattle mark transfer; OT Trehearne 1683/11/13 JUD3 TREHEARN, John 1682/04/20 IKL b to George & Anne TREHEARN, Sarah 1677/12/05 IKL b to George & Anne; Morumsco TREVETT, Elizabeth 1675/03/11 JUD2 TRICE, Abraham 1687/09/01 IKL m to Bridgett Eley by Mr Richardson min 191 TRICE, Abraham 1692/04/28 IKL b to Abraham & Bridgett TRICE, Elizabeth 1693/09/20 IKL b to Abraham & Bridgett TRICE, George 1689/06/15 IKL b to Abraham & Bridgett TRICE, Mary 1687/10/16 IKL b to Abraham & Bridgett TROUGHTON, Roger 1675/03/11 JUD2 1683/01/08 JUD3 charged with paternity by Maragret Hall 1683/11/13 JUD3 svt to Capt David Brown TRUBSHAWE, John 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty TRUBSHAWE, Mary 1686/11/26 IKL b to John & Katherin TRUBSHAWE, Vanentine 1685/04/11 IKL b to John & Katherin TRUMAN, John 1685/08/08 MCW see McBride,Stevens,Booth,Dashiell MCW prob6Jul1686;daus Dorothy,Elizabeth, Catherine; cou Robt Truman TRUMAN, Robert 1685/08/08 MCW exec/w John Truman TUCKER, Florence 1675/03/11 JUD2 1684/05/12 MCW exec/w Edward Stevens;her ch Edward, William, John Stevens TUCKER, John 1680/04/01 ESMd service 1682/03/17 LIV registered cattle mark TUCKFIELD, Samuel 1675/03/11 JUD2 of N'hampton Co VA in 1675; plasterer 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List; OT Tockfield TUCKLEY, Florence 1675/03/11 JUD2 TULL, Benjamin 1686/11/14 IKL b to Richard & Martha; Annamessex TULL, Elizabeth 1688/05/14 IKL b to Richard & Martha; Annamessex TULL, George 1677/05/27 IKL b to Richard & Martha; Annamessex 1682/03/27 LIV reg'd cattle mark;son of Richd Tull TULL, John 1674/06/08 IKL b to Thomas & Mary; Annamessex 1680/06/18 LIV registered cattle mark; son of Thomas Tull 1681/04/01 IKL b to Richard & Martha; Annamessex TULL, Mary 1677/01/15 IKL b to Thomas & Mary; Annamessex 192 TULL, Mary 1694/07/31 IKL b to Richard & Martha; Annamessex TULL, Rachell 1672/08/25 IKL b to Richard & Martha 1682/03/27 LIV registered cattle mark; dau of Richard Tull TULL, Richard 1667/04/24 LIV registered cattle mark 1670/12/06 IKL b to Thomas & Mary; Annamessex 1675/03/11 JUD2 1675/03/21 IKL b to Richard & Martha; Annamessex 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List 1680/06/18 LIV registered cattle mark; son of Thomas Tull 1682/03/27 LIV registered cattle mark; jr LIV registered cattle mark; sr 1683/11/13 JUD3 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty 1695/01/04 IKL b to Richard & Martha; Dividing Creek 1695/01/26 IKL m to Elizabeth Turpin by John Huett min 1695/03/17 PgCt witn/w John Ruske 1695/10/18 EB14 app inv Wm Coulbourn 1698/07/03 EB14 app inv Amos Persons TULL, Sarah 1694/12/25 IKL b to Richard & Martha TULL, Thomas 1666 IKL m to Mary Mitchell by George Johnson JP 1665/02/13 LIV registered cattle mark 1666/09/04 JUD1 of Annamessex; m Mary Mitchell of Morumsco 1667/03/26 JUD1 1668/10/23 IKL b to Thomas & Mary; Annamessex 1675/03/11 JUD2 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty 1692/01/16 MCW witn/w Thomas Sewell 193 TULL, Thomas 1699/06/18 MCW witn/w Michael Williams; sr TULL, William 1684/07/15 IKL b to Richard & Martha TULLY, John 1683/11/13 JUD3 of Pocomoke TUMBLESOME, Henry 1675/03/11 JUD2 aged 10; svt to Ambrose London TURBERVILLE, Gilbert 1675/03/11 JUD2 of St Mary's River in St Mary's Co MD TURFORD, Theophilus 1679/02/10 LXIX merchant TURNER, Christopher 1691/02/27 MCW wits/w William Turvile 1694/05/28 MCW witn/w William Tompkins TURNER, Mary 1669 IKL m to Thomas Owen TURNER, Richard 1672/03/28 IKL m to Elizabeth Teague widow by Robert Maddox clerk 1675/03/11 JUD2 m widow of John Teague TURPIN, Elizabeth 1680/03/16 IKL b to William & Margrett 1695/01/26 IKL m to Richard Tull TURPIN, John 1671/08/07 IKL b to William & Margrett; Manokin 1692/05/29 MCW witn/will Ellinor Caine 1695/01/23 IKL m to Rebeccah Bainton by John Huett min TURPIN, Margaret 1675/03/11 JUD2 aged abt 22; wf of William Turpin; ref to Wm & Olive Furniss bro & sis TURPIN, Mary 1675/11/25 IKL b to William & Margret; Manokin 1692/09/09 IKL m to Thomas Beauchamp TURPIN, Peter 1683/05/30 IKL b to Wm & Margarett;d Manokin 9Apr ff TURPIN, Sarah 1683/02/11 IKL b to William & Margaret TURPIN, Solomon 1673/11/09 IKL b to William & Margret; Manokin 1676/11/22 LIV registered cattle mark; son of William Turpin TURPIN, William 1668/01/16 IKL m to Margrett Ivery by John Winder JP 1675/03/11 JUD2 TURVILE, William 1689/11/28 ADVL signed Advice of Loyalty; OT Jurville 1691/02/27 MCW prob28Jun1695; wf Margery; sons William,Presgrave,John 194 TURVILE, William 1691/02/28 MCW daus Arcadia Donahoe, Elizabeth, Mary, gr-dau Elizabeth Donahoe 1694/01/16 JW15 app inv William Kennett 1695/07/19 JW15 inventory; OT Turvill TWEELVE, Robert 1677/04/01 ESMd imm; wf Margaret; sons Robert, George TYLER, Alce 1683/11/13 JUD3 m John Barnett TYLER, Gilbert 1695/10/17 MCW prob15Mar1695;wf Judith; sons Walter,James TYLER, John 1675/03/11 JUD2 carpenter 1678/11/01 VII Tobacco List 1686/09/19 IKL b to John & Elizabeth; Smiths Island 1693/03/08 IKL m to Alice Butler by John Huett 1694/12/04 IKL b to John & Alice; Smiths Island TYLER, Richard 1692/07/25 IKL b to John & Elizabeth TYLER, Thomas 1688/07/27 IKL b to John & Elizabeth TYLER, William 1683/11/13 JUD3 TYRAR, John 1698/03/13 IKL b to Robert & Metilda TYRAR, Mary 1697/04/07 IKL b to Robert & Metilda TYRAR, Thomas 1693/07/03 IKL b to Robert & Metilda TYRE, Ann 1690/04/22 IKL b to Thomas & Ann; OT Tyer TYRE, Elizabeth 1686/12/15 IKL b to Thomas & Anne TYRE, Joyce IKL b to Thomas & Anne; [no date]; OT Tyra TYRE, Mary 1683/03/03 IKL b to Thomas & Anne, his third wife TYRE, Sarah 1681/06/26 IKL b to Thomas & Ann TYRE, Thomas 1683/11/13 JUD3 1695/08/25 MCW gr-ch of William Overton TYSERD, John 1671/04/15 LIV registered cattle mark
The text of They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders is used here by the Somerset County Maryland USGenWeb site with permission of the author, the late Wilmer O. Lankford.
They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders
Lankford, Wilmer O.
© 1990, printed by Manokin Press, P.O. Box 14, Princess Anne, MD 21853
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-63790
Hard copies of this publication are available for purchase from the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture in Salisbury, Maryland.
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