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This page includes surnames beginning with the letter J.


        Name             Date     Ref                    Event
--------------------  ----------  ----  ---------------------------------------

JACKSON, John         1691/02/27  MCW   witn/w William Turvile

                      1696/02/04  MCW   witn/w Charles Rackliffe

                      1697/07/19  MCW   ment/w David Brown

JACKSON, Jonathan     1679/12/11  IKL   b to Samuel & Ann


JACKSON, Mary         1677/06/27  IKL   b to Samuel & Ann

JACKSON, Samuel       1672/10/22  IKL   m to Ann Clark by Robert Madock clerk

                      1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1681/03/22  IKL   b to Samuell & Anne

                      1683/11/13  JUD3  Gr Jury

                      1687/03/11  MCW   prob 30Oct1688;wf Ann;wf's son
                                        James;sons Jonathan,Samuel,Daniel

                      1687/03/12  MCW   daus Susan, Mary, Elizabeth; OT Jacson

                      1688/11/10  EB14  inventory

JACKSON, Susanna      1674/11/28  IKL   b to Samuel & Ann; Wicomico

JACOB, Isaac          1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1678/06/15  57    Provincial Court record

JAMES, ---            1697/05/28  XXV   owns 1 sloop with William Roord

JAMES, Andrew         1678/06/01  57    jury; OT Janes

JAMES, Anne           1676/03/14  IKL   b to Gilbert & Jone

JAMES, Edward         1678/07/14  IKL   b to Gilbert & Jone

JAMES, Gilbert        1677/04/01  ESMd  imm;wf Jone; sons James,Jonathan,Lewis;
                                        dau Jeane

JAMES, Hannah         1676/03/19  IKL   b to Gilbert & Jeane; Wicomico

JAMES, Mary           1680/11/05  IKL   b to Richard & Honor

JAMES, Richard        1680/08/28  IKL   m to Honor --- by William Jones JP;
                                        Monie Indian

                      1683/01/08  JUD3  apprenticed dau Mary, aged 3, to George

JAMES, William        1680/08/14  IKL   b to Gilbert & Jone

JARRETT, John         1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

JARRETT, Richard      1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

JARVIS, Humphry       1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

JARVIS, Robert        1675/03/11  JUD2  OT Jervis

JARVIS, Thomas        1665/12/11  JUD1

                      1666/04/01  JUD1  of Elizabeth City Co VA


JEFFERSON, Mary       1682/05/18  IKL   b to Richard & wf

JEFFERSON, Richard    1683/11/13  JUD3  Gr Jury

JEFFREYS, Mary                    IKL   m to Richard Webb; [no day/mo 1672]; OT

JEFFREYS, Richard     1695/11/28  MCW   witn/w Alexander Thomas

JEMISON, Alexander    1675/03/11  JUD2  decd

JEMISON, Elizabeth    1667/01/20  IKL   b to Allexander & Joane; Wicomico

                      1680/05/10  IKL   m to Benjamin Nesham

JEMISON, Jane         1674/10/18  IKL   m to Richard Kimble

JEMISON, Margaret     1683/05/18  IKL   m to Thomas Sherman; OT Jemmison

JEMISON, Margrett     1671/05/02  IKL   b to Allexander & Jeane; Wicomico

JENKINS, Elizabeth    1676/09/24  IKL   b to William & Ann; Annamessex; OT

JENKINS, Francis      1671/04/01  ESMd  imm; Deputy Surveyor of

                      1672/04/12  IKL   m to Henry Weedon's widow [Lucy] by
                                        Robert Madock clerk

                      1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1677/11/20  57    Deputy Surveyor

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List; OT Jenckins

                      1680/05/01  MCW   O'seer/w Thomas Walker

                      1683/11/13  JUD3  Sheriff

                      1688/12/10  IKL   b to Francis & Rosanna

                      1689/08/22  LegB  delegate to Assembly

                      1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

                      1694/10/20  LegB  delegate to Assembly

                      1696/04/01  XX    civil officer Somerset

                      1697/03/10  LegB  delegate to Assembly

                      1697/04/01  XXV   vestryman Coventry Parish; OT Jenckins

JENKINS, John         1675/03/11  JUD2  tailor

                      1675/04/01  ESMd  immigrated


JENKINS, John         1683/11/13  JUD3

                      1694/06/09  EB14  app inv Thomasin Vinoy

JENKINS, Lucy         1675/03/11  JUD2

JENKINS, Mathew       1679/04/01  ESMd  svc; OT Jenckins

JENKINS, Susannah     1675/03/11  JUD2  wf of John

                      1683/11/13  JUD3  wf of John Jenkins

JENKINS, William      1672/04/01  ESMd  wf Ann; dau Dorcas

                      1674/08/25  IKL   m to Ann Stadley by Robert Maddox

                      1675/07/04  IKL   b to William & Ann; Annamessex; OT

                      1683/11/13  JUD3

                      1698/05/24  MCW   witn/w John Winder

JINKINSON, Sarah      1678/03/08  IKL   b to John & Susann

JINKINSON, Ursula     1680/03/19  IKL   b to John & Susann

JOHNCOCK, Richard     1675/03/11  JUD2  aged 14; svt to Thomas Manlove

JOHNSON, Affrodosia   1697/05/28  XXV   owns 1 sloop

JOHNSON, Anthony      1666/04/01  JUD1

JOHNSON, Charles      1683/11/13  JUD3

JOHNSON, Comfort      1695/04/09  IKL   b to --- & Pierre

JOHNSON, Cornelius    1672/04/01  ESMd  imm; wf Barbara; daus Mary, Barbara

                      1675/03/11  JUD2  Great Monie; planter

                      1678/03/01  LI    Jury of Inquest David Williams case

                      1678/06/01  57    jury

                      1678/06/15  57    Provincial Court record

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1683/01/08  JUD3

                      1687/02/14  MCW   prob 17Jun1687; see Jones

JOHNSON, Elizabeth    1666/04/01  JUD1  bastard child

                      1675/03/11  JUD2  wf of John Johnson joiner

                      1678/04/06  IKL   m to Willam Prentice


JOHNSON, Francis      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

JOHNSON, George       1665/12/11  JUD1  Commissioner

                      1666/08/22  III   apptd Commr

                      1667/06/05  LVII  apptd auditor est of Wm Bozman

                      1668/04/10  JUD1  Sheriff

                      1669/11/29  LVII  Commissioner

                      1673/10/27  MCW   witn/w James Jones
                                  MCW   O'seer/w James Jones

                      1674/12/12  LXV   Provincial Court record

                      1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1680/11/23  MCW   prob 23Dec1681;wf Katherine; various
                                        bequests for Quaker poor

JOHNSON, Gersum       1665/09/01  IKL   b to George & Katherine; Annamessex;
                                        d&b Oct following

                      1667/06/01  IKL   b to George & Katherine; Annamessex;
                                        d&b Sep following

JOHNSON, Izard        1675/03/11  JUD2  wf of Robert Johnson

JOHNSON, James        1675/03/11  JUD2

JOHNSON, John         1665/12/11  JUD1

                      1666/04/01  JUD1  Negro

                      1668/04/10  JUD1  of Annamessex

                      1675/03/11  JUD2  Negro;charged in Edw Surmans will to
                                        "bee assistant to my children"
                                  JUD2  of Annamessex; joiner; see John Cullen

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1688/08/13  MCW   witn/deed Ann Smith

                      1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

                      1692/01/13  MCW   witn/w John Smock

JOHNSON, Jone         1682/02/25  IKL   m to John Puckham

JOHNSON, Katheryn     1675/03/11  JUD2

JOHNSON, Margarett    1675/03/11  JUD2  aged 15-18; svt to Mr William Stevens


JOHNSON, Mary         1675/03/11  JUD2  of Wicomico

                      1680/12/10  IKL   b to Charles & Elizabeth; Morumsco

                      1684/10/01  IKL   b to Thomas & Joane

JOHNSON, Richard      1687/11/01  MCW   witn/w John Roberts

JOHNSON, Robert       1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1683/11/13  JUD3  Grand Jury

                      1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

JOHNSON, Susan        1666/04/01  JUD1  wf of John Johnson

JOHNSON, Thomas       1686/06/08  IKL   b to Thomas & Joane

                      1696/11/19  MCW   son of Thomas Johnson; bequest from
                                        Henry Layton

JOHNSON, William      1694/04/11  IKL   b to Samuel & Anaple; Manokin

JOLLEY, James         1665/12/11  JUD1  of Pocomoke; planter

                      1666/04/01  JUD1

JONES, Andrew         1673/10/27  MCW   named cousin in will of James Jones

                      1678/03/01  LI    Jury of Inquest David Williams case

                      1678/03/08  58    surety for Edward Gibbs

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1680/01/13  IKL   m to Elizabeth Winder by Capt David
                                        Browne JP

JONES, Ann            1675/04/30  IKL   b to William & Margrett; Little Monie

JONES, Anne           1694/03/13  IKL   b to William & Katherine; Monie

JONES, Charles        1681/12/28  IKL   m to Gissegon Berre by Capt Henry Smith

                      1682/05/02  LIV   registered cattle mark

                      1683/11/13  JUD3

JONES, Daniel         1680/01/29  IKL   b to William & Margrett; Monie

                      1687/02/14  MCW   ment/w Cornelius Johnson

JONES, Edward         1669/04/01  IKL   m to Mary Barnabe, wid; Manokin; by
                                        John Winder JP

                      1670/06/20  LIV   registered cattle mark


JONES, Edward         1675/03/11  JUD2  O'seer Hwys n. side Annamessex & Back
                                        Creek of Manokin

                      1676/12/09  IKL   b to Edward & Anne

                      1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

JONES, Elizabeth      1679/10/29  LIV   registered cattle mark; dau of Wm
                                        Jones; Little Monie

JONES, George         1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1677/04/01  ESMd  immigrated

                      1678/11/18  IKL   b to William & Margreet; Monie

                      1681/03/26  LIV   registered cattle mark; son of Wm
                                        Jones; Monie

JONES, Heugh          1692/10/01  IKL   b to Samuel & Mary

JONES, Jacob          1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1678/01/10  IKL   b to Jacob & Elizabeth

JONES, James          1665/02/12  LIV   registered cattle mark

                      1665/12/11  JUD1  Commissioner

                      1666/08/22  III   apptd Commissioner

                      1669/11/29  LVII  Commissioner

                      1673/10/27  MCW   prob 13Nov1677; wf Sarah;cou Andrew

                      1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1696/12/20  IKL   b to William & Katherine

JONES, John           1666/04/01  JUD1  Commissioner

                      1668/09/24  IKL   b to William & Margrett; Little Monie

                      1672/09/11  LIV   registered cattle mark; son of Wm
                                        Jones; Monie

                      1687/09/03  MCW   witn/w John Murphy

                      1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

                      1692/01/04  IKL   b to Nicholas & wf

                      1696/04/28  MCW   witn/w John Laws

                      1697/09/05  EB14  app inv John Conner

                      1698/04/20  EB14  app inv Thos Hillman


JONES, Katherine      1674/03/25  IKL   m to William Loneridge

JONES, Kezia          1674/07/02  IKL   b to Edward & Ann; Manokin

JONES, Leonard        1667/04/01  ESMd  imm from VA; wf Margaret or Jone [both

                      1668/01/01  IKL   b to Leonard & Joane; Annamessex

                      1675/03/11  JUD2

                      1675/05/04  LXV   of Somerset otherwise "of Cadgers"

JONES, Lewis          1683/01/06  IKL   b to Samuell & Mary

JONES, Lucia          1681/12/10  IKL   m to Roger Burkham

JONES, Magdalena      1680/04/30  IKL   b to Edward & Ann; Manokin

JONES, Margarett      1672/02/20  IKL   b to William & Margrett; Monie

                      1677/01/01  LIV   registered cattle mark; dau of Wm Jones

                      1683/06/07  IKL   d&b plantation Monie; wf of William

                      1686/02/23  IKL   b to Edward & Anne

                      1687/02/14  MCW   ment/w Cornelius Johnson; dau of
                                        William Jones sr

                      1690/06/18  IKL   b to William & Alice

JONES, Martha         1696/05/14  MCW   witn/w John King

JONES, Mary           1669/07/23  IKL   b to Edward & Mary; Manokin; OT Joanes

                      1669/10/04  IKL   d&b Manokin; wf of Edward Jones

                      1670/12/05  IKL   b to William & Mary; Little Monie

                      1672/09/11  LIV   registered cattle mark; dau of Wm Jones

                      1677/06/13  IKL   d&b Monie; dau of William Jones

                      1677/06/30  IKL   d&b Monie; dau of William Jones

                      1682/05/16  IKL   b to Samuell & Mary

                      1689/10/12  IKL   b to Nicholas & wf

JONES, Matthew        1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

                      1695/03/17  PgCt  witn/w John Ruske

JONES, Morgan         1678/04/12  57    Provincial Court record

JONES, Robert         1668/04/10  JUD1


JONES, Robert         1681/02/16  IKL   b to William & Margarett

                      1687/10/01  IKL   b to Nicholas & wf

                      1696/11/29  PgCt  witn/w William Robinson

JONES, Rowland        1677/07/17  IKL   b to Samuell & Mary

JONES, Samuel         1669/10/13  LIV   registered cattle mark

                      1672/01/24  LIV   registered cattle mark

                      1674/04/01  ESMd  transp family from Accomack, VA

                      1675/02/19  MCW   prob8Feb1678;sons Samuel,John;daus
                                        Mary,Elizabeth; sr

                      1675/03/11  JUD2  of Monie

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1679/02/21  IKL   b to Samuell & Mary

                      1683/01/08  JUD3  of Monie

                      1683/11/13  JUD3  of Monie

                      1691/11/01  IKL   m to Mary Flannakin

                      1696/04/28  MCW   witn/w John Laws

JONES, Sarah          1691/09/20  IKL   b to Thomas & Martha; Annamessex

                      1692/06/07  IKL   b to William & Alice

JONES, Susanna        1677/09/30  IKL   b to Morgan & Elizabeth; Fishing Crk,
                                        Dorchester Co MD

JONES, Thomas         1670/04/14  LVII  security for John England

                      1672/10/04  LXV   complaint agt Henry Smith; Provincial

                      1672/10/07  LXV   supd for Provincial Court

                      1675/03/11  JUD2  of Bristol; merchant; Sheriff 1672/3;

                      1675/05/04  LXV   Provincial Court record

                      1675/05/15  LIV   registered cattle mark; Capt

                      1677/10/09  57    Provincial Court record

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1683/11/13  JUD3


JONES, Thomas         1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty

                      1693/02/11  IKL   b to Thomas & Martha; Manokin

                      1696/04/01  XX    civil officer Somerset

                      1697/05/28  XXV   owns 1 shallop

JONES, William        1666/04/01  JUD1  jury

                      1666/06/04  LIV   registered cattle mark

                      1666/09/23  IKL   b to William & Margrett; Little Monie

                      1675/03/11  JUD2  of Bristol[?]; O'seer Rds Monie

                      1677/01/01  LIV   registered cattle mark; jr

                      1678/11/01  VII   Tobacco List

                      1680/05/01  MCW   witn/w Thomas Walker

                      1681/03/26  LIV   registered cattle mark; jr

                      1681/04/06  LIV   registered cattle mark

                      1683/08/02  IKL   b to Charles & Grisegon

                      1683/11/13  JUD3

                      1687/02/14  MCW   ment/w Cornelius Johnson; jr
                                  MCW   exec/w Cornelius Johnson; jr

                      1687/02/20  IKL   d&b Annamessex

                      1688/06/16  IKL   b to William & Alice

                      1691/12/10  MCW   witn/w Thomas Hobbs

                      1693/01/02  IKL   b to William & Katherine; Monie

                      1693/10/17  MCW   exec/w John Covington

                      1694/08/25  EB14  app inv John Covington

JONES, Wm St Barbe    1684/10/09  IKL   b to Edward & Anne

JORDEYNE, Thomas      1671/04/01  ESMd  merchant; m Sarah, wid of John Elzey

JOYCE, Francis        1685/12/23  MCW   witn/w Henry Bishop sr

                      1689/11/28  ADVL  signed Advice of Loyalty; OT Joice

                      1695/05/11  MCW   O'seer/w John Tarr

JOYNER, Edward        1675/03/11  JUD2

JUDRELL, John         1691/02/09  IKL   m to Eliner --- by Maj Robert King


JUDRELL, John         1694/03/01  IKL   b to John & Eliner; Annamessex

JUDRELL, William      1693/08/23  IKL   b to John & Eliner; Manokin


The text of They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders is used here by the Somerset County Maryland USGenWeb site with permission of the author, the late Wilmer O. Lankford.
They Lived In Somerset: 17th Century Marylanders
Lankford, Wilmer O.
© 1990, printed by Manokin Press, P.O. Box 14, Princess Anne, MD 21853
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 90-63790
Hard copies of this publication are available for purchase from the Edward H. Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture in Salisbury, Maryland.

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