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Somerset County MDGenWeb
Land Record - Liber ?, Folio 201-203 |
The transcription of this Somerset Land Record has been provided by Susan Curelop and Austin Coulbourn. Thanks!
John Reddish Sr/John Reddish Jr. 3 January 1798
Folio 201
Somerset County Maryland
Know all men by these presents that we James Moore and Wife Mary Moore of County and State aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto John Reddish Sr. of the same place in the full and just sum of three Hundred pounds Current money aforesaid to be paid to the said John Reddish Sr. his certain attorney heirs executors Administrators or assigns and for which payment well and truly to be made and done we and each do bind ourselves our heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated this twenty third day of January Anno Dom Seventeen Hundred and Ninety Eight -- The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above abound James Moore and Wife Mary Moore their heirs Executors or Administrators shall at the reasonable request of the aforementioned John Reddish Srhis heirs Executors or administrators or assigns make over convey and confirm in Fee Simple by a good and sufficient Deed alt their right and Title of their part of a Tract of Land lying and born on the South Side of Quantico Branch in County aforementioned Known by the name of Partners choice the aforementioned Conveyance not to be requested before the aforementioned John Reddish (Sr) his heirs executors or assigns shall pay the aforementioned Moore the sum of seventy five pounds Maryland Currency Then this obligation to be used or else to be and remain in full force and Virtue.
Signed Sealed and delivered
In presents of
Samuel Harford
Joseph Moore
James Moore (seal)
Mary Moore (seal)
Somerset County April the Tenth day 1798 these names Samuel Harford and Joseph Moore before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the peace forementioned County and made oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did on the 23rd day of January last past, see the within mentioned James Moore and Mary Moore Sign seal and deliver the within Bond to the within named John Reddish to the best of their knowledge.
Before W _illis
May the sixteenth day Anno Dom Seventeen Hundred and Ninety Eight then was delivered unto me the subsciber the foregoing Bond in order to be __dled among the Records of Somerset County with -in Bond together with the probate thereof thereon and ____ are accordingly Recorded
Folio 202
hereof the receipt whereif is hereby acknowledgid hath granted bargained and sold aliened released __fe_ssed conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and Sell alien release ____ convey and confirm unto the said John Reddish Jr his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns for wer all his rights title and Interest in and too the following Parcells of Land (viz) where the said John Reddish Sr. now lives lying on Wicomico River called and known by the names of Doo Better, Plain Dealing and Addition to Plain Dealing. Doo Better is bounded as followeth beginning at the Mouth of a Gut or a Branch flowing out of the said River being the first Bounder of the John Reddish part of the aforementioned Tract of Land called Doo Better thence with a line drawn East Forty two perches is thence North forty four degrees East Eight perches thence North fifty three degrees East (fifteen minutes east twenty eight perches then on South forty nine degrees East forty perches thence South forty degrees East) Nineteen perches thence South South East thirty five perches thence South East one hundred and Eighteen perches thence North North West Sixty Nine perches thence East Thirty two perches thence South thirty four Perches thence South thirty four degrees East Ten perches thence South Sixty nine degrees East fourteen perches thence South fourteen degrees West seventy perches thence South East Eighty perches thence South West eleven perches thence South East twenty three perches thence South West Seventy five perches thence with a line to the begining containing and laid out for one hundred and sixty and half acres of Land more or less the part hereby intended of Plain Dealing and Adition to Plain Dealing is Bounded as followeth Beginning at a marked post standing at the end of the Eighth line of Plain Dealing thence running North Eighty three degrees East Ten perches thence North Ten degrees East twenty perches thence South Sixty three degrees East Nine perches thence North Eleven degrees East Eighty Seven perches to the River thence North Eighty three degrees thirty minutes West Fifty one perches thence South forty three degrees thirty minutes West Eighteen perches thence South Twenty degrees West Thirty four perches thence South forty nine degrees East four perches thence South Twenty seven degrees West twenty two perches thence South forty three degrees east Eight perches thence South Sixty Seven degrees East twenty perches thence South Thirty eight degrees East thirty two and half perches to the first begining containing forty and half Acres of Land more or less Twenty Seven and half Acres is out of Plain Dealing and Thirteen acres out of Addition to Plain Dealing, together with all houses orchards improvements profits priveledges appurtenances thereto belonging or in any manner appertaining to have and to hold all the aforesaid Lands bargained for and primises aforesaid to the said John Reddish Jr. his heirs and assigns for ever to the only ______ per use of the said John Reddish Jr. his heirs and assigns for ever and to and for no other use or intent whatever, and the said John Reddish Sr. for himself his heirs Executors Administrators or assigns doth Warrant and defend against him the said John Reddish Sr. and his heirs for was ____
Folio 203
his the said John Reddish Sr. Right title Interest Claim and demand in and to the aforementioned Lands called Doo Better, Plain Dealing and Addition to Plain Dealing with oath and singular the benefits and priviledges thereto belonging unto him the said John Reddish Jr. and his heirs for ever and the said John Reddish Sr. for himself his heirs and assigns doth hereby further ______ Covenant to and with the said John Reddish Jr. his heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns that at the reasonable request and at the proper cost and charge in Law of the said John Reddish Jr. his heirs Executors Admi -nistrators or assigns he will make do or Execute or cause to be made done and Ex_____ all such further acts and things as shall be deemed adviseable by c_______ warned in Law for the better and more perfect Establishment confirm loan ___ly and assinance of the aforementioned Conveyed Lands and premises in witness whereof the said John Reddish Sr. hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year within written.
John Reddish Jr. (seal)
Signed and Sealed
In the presence of
M_illis, Millstone
B. The in_eslineation on the within side. 100 "Perches" between the thirteenth and four lines on ____ ___ ____
tenth fifteenth lines and the word "East" between the Eight
tenth and nineteenth lines of the word "Lands" between the
Twenty ninth and thirtieth lines from the top were made
Before sealing and delivery -----
Somerset County
..Be it remembered that on the day and year first within written personally appeared before us the subscribers two of the Justices of the peace for Somerset County the within named John Reddish Sr. and acknowledged the within Deed to be his Act and the Lands and premises thereby bargained and sold to be the Estate and property of the within John Reddish Jr. his heirs and Assigns forever then also appeared before us the subscribed Rhoda Reddish wife to the said John Reddish Sr. and being by first privately examined out of the hearing of her said husband acknowlidged that she fully consented to her said Husbands making the said Deed and for any right of D____ _____ or other Estate that she had or might have to the Lands or premises Hereby sold she freely acknowledged the same to be the Estate of the within named John Reddish Jr. his heirs or assigns forever and that she made the acknowledgment willingly and freely without being induced thereto by force or threat of ill usage of her husband or fear of his displeasure.
Acknowledged before __illiss Millstone
May the Sixteenth day Anno Dom Seventeen Hundred and Ninety Eight then was delivered unto me the Subscriber the foregoing Deed in order to be _____ed among the Records of Somerset County which said Deed together with the acknowledgment those Herein and said are accordingly Recorded among the same. A_____ Lib L___ 201, 202, 203
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Monday, 21-Aug-2023 23:11:02 EDT