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Somerset County MDGenWeb
Land Record - Liber E, Folio 6 |
The transcription of this Somerset Land Record has been provided by Susan Curelop and Austin Coulbourn. Thanks!
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This Indenture made this Seventeenth Day of Febuary in the year of Our One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Between Hiran Reddish of Somerset County and Province of Maryland of the ____part and John Nelms of the County and Province afo of the Other part
Witnessoth whereas the Lord Baltimore by his Deed of Grant under the Great Seal of this Province used for Granting Lands did on the Sixteenth Day of August Seventeen Hundred and forty Eight G_____ unto a certain Alexander Arge all that Tract or Parcel of Land known by the Name of Coxes Advice Situate Lying and being partly in Somerset County and partly in Worcester County near the head of Rockawakin River or Wicomico River containing two Hundred Acres and and is Butted and Bounded as followeth Beginning at a marked White Oake Hand on the south side of a Branch of the afo River being a Corner tree of a parcell of Land formerly Surveayed for Capt. John Winder thence Bounded on the West by the afo Winders Land with a line Drawn south fourteen Degrees Easterly two Hundred Seventy four Perches thence with a line Drawn North thirty four Degrees Easterly three Hundred and Twenty Perches to the afo Branch thence Bounded on the West by the said afo Winder Land with a Line Drawn south fourteen degrees Easterly two HundredSeventy four Perches thence with a Line Drawn North thirty four Degrees Easterly three Hundred and twenty perches to the afo branch thence Bounded on the North by the said Branch Running Westerly with the said Branch Down the said branch to the first Bounder Containing two Hundred Acres more or less and the said Alexander Arge by his Deed of bargain and Sale Duly Executed and Invoked bearing Date the Seventeenth Day of October 1759 did Convey and make Over the afo two Hundred Acres of Land called Coxes Advise unto Thomas Gillis as by Deed will fully Appear and the said Thomas Gillis by his Deed of Bargain and Sale Duly Executed and Invoked baring Date the Seventeenth Day of March 1768 did Convey and make Over the afo two Hundred Acres of Land Called Coxes Advice unto Hiran Reddish his heirs and Assigns Forever as by the said Deed it will fully Appear now this Indenture further Witnessoth that the said Hiran Reddish for and in Consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Seventy Pounds Current Money of Maryland to him in hand paid by the said John Nelms fore the Sealing and Delivery of the Presents the Receipt Whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge and thereof doth hereby Acquit Exonerate and Discharge the said John Nelms and his heirs forever and by these Presents doth Grant Bargain and sell Aliened ______ Conveyed
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and Confirmed and by these Presents doth Grant Bargain sell Alienate E_____ Conveay and Conform unto the said John Nelms his heirs and Assigns forever all that Tract or Parcel of Land before Mentioned Caled Coxes Advice Containing two Hundred Acres more or less and all and Singular the Houses Orchards fencing Woods and Under Woods to the same Adjoyning and belonging and all as the R_____hon sold R_____hons Remainder and Remaindors Right Estate Entreat benefit Ela___ And Demand Whatsoever of him the said Hiran Reddish of in and to all and Singular the said Premises and of in and to all Yearly Rents and Profits Reserved upon any Demise or Sease of the said Premises or any part thereof To Have and To Hold the Land before Mentioned Caled Coxes Advice with their and every of their Apportinanses herein before Mentioned and Intended to be hereby Granted unto him the said John Nelms his heirs and Assigns forever to the only use and Behoaf of him the said John Nelms his heirs and Assigns forever more and the said Hiran Reddish for himself and his heirs the Land before Mentioned unto the said John Nelms his heirs and Assigns Against him the said Hiran Reddish his heirs or said Administrators and Against all and using Other Person Whatsoever Claiming any Right title Entreat or property to the Land before Mentioned or any part thereof Will Warrant and by these Presents forever hereafter Defend in Testimony whereof the said Hiran Reddish hath hearunto set his hand afixed his Seal this Day and year above Written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered Hieran Reddish
In Presents of us
Wm. Winder
Wm. Adams
Maryland Somerset Be it Remembered that on the Day and Year in the Within Mentioned Apeared Before us two of his S_____ Justices of the peace for Somerset County Hieran Reddish Party to the within Deed together with Ellisebeth his Wife she being first Examined Seporate and apart from her said Husband as the Law Directes in Such Case and did Acknoledge the Lands and Premises as Mentioned in the within Deed to be the Right and Property of the within Mentioned John Nelms his heirs and Assigns forever Agreable to an Act of Assembly shode and Provided in such case
Feb 17 1770 Red: of John Nelms Eight Shillings ______ Alienation s____ \ Before (names)
on the within Mentioned Land. _ Wm. Murray
Recorded in Lib: E fol 6 or on the Twenty Seventh Day of February Anno Dom 1770
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