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Somerset County MDGenWeb Panter Lawes of Somerset County |
This will transcription has been provided by Kris Hutchinson. Thanks, Kris!
In the Name of God Amen.
I, Panter Lawes, of Somerset County in Province of Maryland, being very sick and weak, but of perfect mind, memory and understanding and considering it is ordained for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Viz:
1st. It is my Will and Desire that all my just and lawful Debts be duly paid and complied with.
2nd. I leave to my beloved wife, Mary Lawes, the use of my Plantation whereon I now live during her natural life or widowhood. Likewise, old Bobo, Hannah, Sip and Dinah, I leave to my said wife during her natural life or widowhood.
3rd. I give and bequeath to my son, William Lawes One Hundred Acres of Land lying in Little Creek Neck to him and his Heirs forever.
4th. I give and bequeath to my son Gilbert Lawes, one Negro Boy named Prince, to him and his Heirs forever.
5th. I give and bequeath to my son, Thomas Lawes, one Negro Boy named James to him and his Heirs forever.
6th All the remaining part of my Estate after my wife's Third is taken out, to be equally divided among my children, John Lawes, Nanney Lawes, William Lawes, Betty Lawes, Gilbert Lawes and Thomas Lawes and their Heirs forever.
Likewise I do constitute and appoint my Loving wife, executrix of this my Last Will & Testament, annulling and making void all former wills heretofore by me made either in word or in writing.
In Testimony whereof I have to these Presents, set my Hand and Seal affixed this 20th Day of January Anno Domo 1769. Signed, Sealed, Pronounced and Declared this to be my Last Will and Testament, in the presence of Levin Dashiele Benjamin Sasser and William Waller.
Panter X Lawes
On the 5th day of April 1769, came Levin Dashiele and made oath on the Holy Evangelis of Almighty God that the within Instrument of Writing is the true and only Will and Testament of Panter Lawes, late of Somerset County, Deceased that hath come to his hands, possession or knowledge and that he did not know or ever heard of any other.
Sworn before Thos. Holbrook,
Deputy Comy Som. Co.
On the 5th Day of April, One Thousand, seven hundred and sixty nine, came Levin Dashiele, Benjamin Sasser and William Waller, the three subscribing witnesses and made oath on the Holy Evangelis of Almighty God that they did see the Testator Panter Lawes sign and seal the aforegoing Will and heard him publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his Last Will and Testament and that at the time of his so doing, he was to the best of each of their apprehensions of a sound disposing mind memory and understanding and that they subscribed their names as witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the said Testator.
Sworn before Thos. Holbrook,
Deputy Comy Som. Co.
On the 5th day of April 1769, Personally appeared Mary Lawes, widow to Panter Lawes and made her election to the within will and refused to abide by the said will or any part thereof but desired to have her thirds both of the real and personal Estate agreeably to an act of Assembly in such cases made and provided.
Made before Thos. Holbrook,
Deputy Comy Som. Co.
State of Maryland S.S.
In Testimony that the foregoing is truly copied from Book E. B. No. 4 one of the Records in the Office of the Register of Wills for Somerset County, in the State of Maryland.
I hereinto set my hand and affix the Seal of my Office 26th Day of February, in the year of our Lord One Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty Eight.
S.W. From Reg. W.
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