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Somerset County MDGenWeb Land Patent - Owens Choice, 1665 |
Transcribed by John J. McDonnell.
Cecilius & c. To all persons to whom these presents shall
come greeting in our Lord God everlasting know you that wee
for and in Consideraçon that Owen Mackrue of this province
planter hath due unto him one hundred acres of land within
this province for transporting himself and Isaac Noble
into this province and two hundred acres more by assighm
from William Smith out of a greater number of his Rights as
appears upon Record and upon such Condiçons and termes
as are expressed in our Condiçons of Plantaçon of our Said
province of Maryland under our greater Seal at armes
bearing date at Sondon the Second day of July in the year
of our Lord God one thousand and Six hundred forty nine with
such alteraçon as in them is made by our Declaraçon
bearing date the two and twentyeth day of September Anno
one thousand and Six hundred fifty eight and remayning
upon record in our said province of Maryland Dos hereby
grant unto him the said Owen Mackrue a parcell of Land
called Owens Choice lying on the North Side of Maneno
=quean River beginning at a marked oke Devideing
from the land of Walter Tayler and from thence running
North North East by the said river side the bredth of one
Hundred and thirty poles to a marked joine and from
Thence running North West and by North into the woods
the length of three hundred forty five poles to a marked
oke and from hence running Westerly the bredth of
one hundred and thirty poles to a marked tree and
from thence running South East and by South the length
of three hundred forty and five poles to the first bounder
surveyed and now laid out for three hundred acres more
or less Together with all rights profitts and benefits
thereunto belonging Royall mines excepted To have
and to hold the same unto him the said Owen Mackrue
his heirs and assigns forever to be holden to us and
our heirs as of our Mannor of Nanticoke in free and
Common Soccage by fealty only for all manner of Services
yeilding and paying therefore yeerly unto us or
our heirs at our receipt at St Maries at the two most
usual feasts in the year Viz at the feast of the Annunciaçon
of the Blessed Virgin Mary and at the feast of St
Michaell the archangell by even and equall porçons
the rent of Six Shillings Sterling in Silver or gold and
for a fine upon every alienaçon of the said land or any
part or parcell thereof one whole yeers rent in silver
or gold or the full value thereof in such Commodities
as wee or our heirs or such Officer or Officers appointed
by us or our heirs from time to time to Collect & receive
the same shall accept in discharge thereof at the choice
of us or our heirs or such Officer or Officers as aforesaid
provided that if the said Owen Mackrue his heirs or assigns
shall not pay unto us or our heirs or such Officer or Officers
as aforesaid the said Sum for a fine before such alie
=naçon and enter the said alienaçon upon record either
in the Provincial Court or the County Court where the
said parcell of Land lyeth within one month next after
such alienaçon the said alienaçon Shall be void and
of none effect Given at St Maries under our great Seal
of our said province of Maryland this Six and
Twentyeth day of September in the four and thirtyeth
Year of our Dominion over our said province of Mary
=land Anno Domini one thousand and Six hundred
Sixty five Witness our Dear son and heir
Charles Calvert Esq our Leiutenant Generall of our said pro
=vince of Maryland
As transcribed by John McDonnell from microfilm copy of original document.
Misc. notes;
Witness to this document was Charles Calvert. He was 3rd Baron Baltimore (1637-1715) and became the second Lord Proprietor of the Colony of Maryland in 1675 upon the death of his father. His father was Cecilius Calvert to whom this land patent award is addressed.
Both Calvert and Cecil Counties in present day Maryland are named for, respectively, the Calvert family in the first instance and Cecilius Calvert in particular for the later.
The Manenoquean River is in Somerset County on Maryland's Eastern Shore and is now called the Manokin River.
Colonial Somerset County comprised all of present day Worcester and Wicomoco Counties, Maryland and the southern section of Sussex County, Delaware.
The feast days of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel are March 25th & September 29th, respectively.
The reference to "in free and Common Soccage (sic)" means that no military duty was required in the property transfer.
The original text shows the cedilla above the letter "C" as in the word "alienacon", i.e. "alienation".
A similar transaction, in abstract form appears in the previous year (1664) for William Robinson, the father of Issac Noble's wife Mary Robinson.
transcription August 1999, John J. McDonnell
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