Somerset County MDGenWeb Joseph Leonard of Somerset County |
This will transcription has been provided by Iva Thompson. Many thanks, Iva!
In the name of God Amen. I make and ordain this to be my last will and testament and as touching the small worldly estate as it has pleased Got to bless me with I give and dispose of in the manner and form following Viz: My will is that all my just debts be paid and that in duo.
2ld I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Leonard my dwelling plantation whereon I now live containing forty acres called Plumpton Salt Ash and fifteen more adjoining thereunto called Levon's Chance and also fifty acres called Coxes Advice and also twenty seven acres called Cordwindors Hall and also I give unto the said Joseph Leonard one feather bed and furniture and one cow and calf to him and is heirs and assigns forever.
3rdly I give and bequeath unto my son John Leonard seventy two acres of land part of a tract of land called Coxes Fork and also sixty five acres of land called Kotson Chance for which two tract or parcels of land there is a Bond of Ebenezer Handy to John Trahearne which Bond is assigned by James Treahearne to the present testator which Bond is recorded in Somerset county Records and also I give unto the said John Leonard one feather bed and furniture and one cow and calf to him his heirs and assign forever.
4thly I give and bequeath -----------my beloved wife Jane Leonard my negro woman called Debrow during her life and at her death to be disposed of as she shall think proper exclusive of her thirds.
5thly My will further is that after my wife's thirds and the leaggesees as above mentioned be first paid that then the remaining part of my personable estate be equally divided amongst my four children, Viz: Michael Leonard my son who is ded for his three children Benjamin Leonard, Betty Leonard and Nelly Leonard to have one fourth part of the remainder of my estate divided amongst them and to be payed to them by my extr. As fast as they shall arrive at age which was the part I did allot for their father and Elliner Gordy my daughter one forth part and Joseph Leonard one forth part and John Leonard one forth part to them and their heirs and assigns.
6thly My will further is that my well beloved soon Joseph Leonard be hold and sole executor of this my last will and testament and do hereby disannull an make voyd all former wills before maid by me and confirming this to be my last will and testament in presents of the witnesses hereunto and signed sealed and published and pronounced this to be my last will in the presens of Joseph Seroggin, William Twilly and Priscilla Crouch
Joseph Leonard
On the fifth day of May one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven came Joseph Leonard executor of Joseph Leonard and made oath on the Holy Evangelis of Almighty God that the within instrument of writing is the true and only will and testament of Joseph Leonard late of Somerset County deceased that hath come to his hand possession or knowledge and that he did not know or overhear of any other. Sworn before Thomas Holbrook, Deputy
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