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Somerset County MDGenWeb Will of Michael Disharoone of Somerset County |
This will transcription has been provided by Iva Thompson. Many thanks, Iva!
Somerset County, Md. (area currently part of Wicomico County)
In the name of God Amen, this 23rd day of October in the year of our Lord God 1690, I Michael Disharoone of the County and Province aforsesaid, Planter being sick in body but of good and perfect memory thanks be to Almighty God & calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield to death when it shall please God to call. Do make constitute ordain and declare this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following, revoking and annulling by these _____? such all & every testaments & wills heretofore by me made & declared either by words or writing – and this to be taken for my last will & testament and none other. And first being sorry & penitent for my sins past, humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my soul unto Almighty God my Savior & Redeemer in whom & by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust & believe Almighty to be saved and to have full remission of all my sins and that my soul with my body at the General Day of Resurrection shall rise againe with Joy and my Body to be buried in such place where it shall please my ExX here after named shall appoint and for the settling of my temporall estate & such good chattells & debts as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I do order it & give the same in manner following. That is to say first I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in right or conservine(?) to any person & persons whatsoever shall be truly consented, & paid within convenient tyme after my decease by my executrix here after named-------
Item I give & bequeath unto my eldest son Michaell Disharoone all that tract or parcel of land called Roo Dee containing one hundred and fiftey acres more or less situate lying & being on the Eastern branch on the Southside of Cultarcossoe’s River in the county and Providence also to have & to hold the same to him my said son & his heirs & assigns forever.
Item I give & bequeath unto my second son Disharoone and to my third son Louis Disharoone & my third son William Disharoone all that tract & parcell of land called Nova Francis containing three hundred acres more or less situate lying & being on the east side of Chespoakpiok Bay on the south side of Nanticoke River as I pattented for the same, more at large it may & both appear To have & To hold the same to my ------ three sons to them & their heirs and assigns forever, and to be equally divided between them both in quality and quantity; as their respective ages here after specified.
Item I give & bequeath to my eldest soan Michaell Disharoone afsd., one gray mare to him my said soan and to his heirs & assigns forever, and the first mare colt the afsd. Mare shall bring & fould. I give the same to my second soan John Disharrone aforesaid and to his heirs forever.
Item I give & bequeath and my mind & will is that my other mare being of a Bay coullor shall run for the good of my loving wife Joane Disharoone and my third son Lewis Disharoone and my fourth son William Disharoone and to my daughter Frances Disharoone to be equally divided among them & to their assigns forever at their respective ages.
Item I give & bequeath unto my oldest daughter Mary Gordon now the wife of Adrian Gordon, one cow & calf or a cow with calf to be delivered to my said daughter Mary within twelve months after my decease to her my said daughter and the lawful heirs of her body forever. But my will & mind is that if my daughter Mary shall dye without lawful issue that then the cow with her whole increase shall returne to her brothers & her other sister afsd. To be equally divided among them and their heirs forever.
Item I give & bequeath all the rest of my whole estate of Chattolls & movables both within doors & without doors to my loving wife Joan Disharoone and to my four soans & youngest daughter to be equally divided amongst them, only a Cow calfe excepted which I give with her whole increase to my God daughter Anne Lankford to her & to her heirs forever.
Item My mind & will is That my said four soans shall remaine with their Mother & not be of age till they come to the age of One & Twenty years except their Mother afsd. Should marry, then they shall be of age each of them at the year of sixteene and then my said wifes part of the goods and chattolls shall be equally divided between my four sons and my youngest daughter Frances Disheroone and their heirs forever and I make order & ordaine my loving wife Joane Diharoone my sole executrix of this my Last Will & Testament and do Request my well beloved friends Philip Carter & Thomas Humphries of this county to be overseers to oversee that this my Last Will & Testament be only fulfilled as witness my hand & soale this day & year first above written . Memorandum - my mind & will is that none of my bequeathed estate shall ever come to any appraisin Michael Disharoone (his mark) Witnesses: John Crouch, John Hogin, John Disharoone, Alice Layton
Liber EB 9, Folio 55
Signed sealed & Delivered published as his Last Will & Testament, in the
presence of us Phillip Carter -- Simon Power
Will Taylor (his mark) Justice in quorum
May ye 9th this Will proved before me -.John Winder
Memorandum, the within Will proved Executed and appraised sworn by Coll Winder as ____ certificate from him, Testimentary Lett. is Granted _____mo Sam Hopkins Depty County
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